After style guide, it was big chellenge because title sequence compared to my style guide, is totally different concept. i had to come up with new idea for storyboard and concept at all. Also to put footage to another footage i need to learn new tutorial i go through called Mocha After effect.
In terms of process, I was confused how can i sort it out with footage. what i had in brain is take to photo frame which is one of the important key in our movie.
I did not changed a lot from first poster. I just rearranged mandatory information for big title.
I am very happy with this. because i decided visual elemetns before stele guide. I love to do sort of layout and hierarchy stuff. I very enjoyed make a poster.
I tried to do motion track in AE first, but it did not work well every seconds because i had to move all keyframe. it makes me crazy all the time. i tried like over 40times to make perfect.
After Oliver Delprado suggested Mocha AE, i could enjoy it. but it took long time for 2 weeks.
I was happy with it to learn new tutorial even if it's not perfect.